

Monthly, consultant and strategic leader Izabela Lundberg joins Mark McIntosh for a deep dive into the Drive for Five Network’s mission to inspire, advocate and educate. That’s its mission in informing others about live organ donation, policies promoting more participation and avoiding kidney disease.

The co-hosts bring on guests from the world of trying to make difference in lessening America’s growing kidney crisis. It’s bad and getting worse. We can do better. The hour-long show is live on LinkedIn, Facebook and You Tube.

The show’s are inspiring, informational and entertaining. Guests are difference makers. Also, the last 15 minutes has Lundberg, a globally respected consultant and strategist to governments, businesses and non profits, and McIntosh talking about effectively dealing with change, challenge and adversity. Each has known their fair share over the years.

The schedule varies so please follow Drive for Five’s Facebook or LinkedIn pages to be alerted to the next presentation.

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6 days ago

Drive for Five
From a coffee shop on the south side of Denver, a message from a moment. Have a good weekend and may your favorite football team win!#goodbetterbest ... See MoreSee Less
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The Drive For Five Network is actively involved in advocacy to develop and pass smart legislative policies at the state and federal levels encouraging greater participation in live organ donation. There’s 90,000 Americans on waits lists but only about 27,000 deceased and live organ donors annually. And it’s getting worse. The DFF Network strongly advocates for modifying NOTA.

mark inspiring


The Drive for Five Network was birthed in Mark McIntosh’s weekly men’s fellowship group. When the bunch learned one of their members needed a kidney transplant, the fellas challenged McIntosh. “Given your communications skills and social media following? Go find 5,000!” The challenge was accepted.

The Missouri native and other DFF Network correspondents create content - writing and videos - designed to inspire Americans to “Share their spare, safe a life, leave a priceless legacy.” As managing editor of DFF, McIntosh writes a weekly column published Mondays extolling the need and benefits to live organ donation. America has a growing kidney crisis with far more citizens in need of organ transplants and dying while waiting on lists.