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1 day ago

Drive for Five
I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as Chairman at Denver Host Committee for the 2026 Transplant Games of America! Along with Transplant Life Foundation executive director Bill Ryan, we'll be making the announcement live on iHeartRadio's morning show on KOA at 7:45am and then running over to 9NEWS (KUSA) Colorado and Company on 9NEWS at 10am.4,000 athletes (donors/recipients), 12,000 attendees and a $10-12 million bump to Denver's economy. Historical, educational and inspirational. As a transplant recipient? What an honor to lead the charge in celebrating life, educating about America's growing kidney crisis and inspiring others to consider sharing their spare and saving someone's life like Cathie Jewett- Hitchcock did mine.We see a future where no one sits on transplant lists, the troubling rising numbers of obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure are reversed and more Americans get a new lease on life through organ, eye and tissue donations.Our motto is, "See what others can't envision!" ... See MoreSee Less
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3 days ago

Drive for Five
DFF can't wait for Thursday morning. We're appearing on iHeartRadio's KOAM News Now and 9NEWS (KUSA) Colorado and Company on 9NEWS to make a special announcement. It will announce commencement, over the next 18 months, to Denver sports events with three major objectives: Celebrating life, inspiring more organ, eye and tissue donations and less kidney/liver disease sufferers.Can't wait to get started. In the words of recently departed, but forever remembered, Colorado Buffaloes Football coach and dear buddy, Bill McCartney: "See things others can't envision!#shareyourspare #savealife #lesskidneyliverdisease ... See MoreSee Less
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mark testifying


The Drive For Five Network is actively involved in advocacy to develop and pass smart legislative policies at the state and federal levels encouraging greater participation in live organ donation. There’s 90,000 Americans on waits lists but only about 27,000 deceased and live organ donors annually. And it’s getting worse. The DFF Network strongly advocates for modifying NOTA.

mark inspiring


The Drive for Five Network was birthed in Mark McIntosh’s weekly men’s fellowship group. When the bunch learned one of their members needed a kidney transplant, the fellas challenged McIntosh. “Given your communications skills and social media following? Go find 5,000!” The challenge was accepted.

The Missouri native and other DFF Network correspondents create content - writing and videos - designed to inspire Americans to “Share their spare, safe a life, leave a priceless legacy.” As managing editor of DFF, McIntosh writes a weekly column published Mondays extolling the need and benefits to live organ donation. America has a growing kidney crisis with far more citizens in need of organ transplants and dying while waiting on lists.